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Family members often remind me about my christening; where my late grandfather made a passionate scene, and told anyone who would listen that “a wise messenger has arrived... ”. To be honest, I didn’t read into that too much. I just took it as a nice compliment.


But everything changed throughout my teenage years as I began to notice my intuitive gifts show up in extraordinary ways. I began to have profound visions, and would feel the emotions and energy of others deeply. My gifts never came with an instruction manual, so I have constantly built on them for years. Since then, hundreds of people across many platforms have expressed gratitude for my readings and I am now proud to be able to reach out to more people here as the lead spiritual counselor on the Psychic Zero Network.


When I was younger, I began to realize my gift as an empath when I could connect with people and give them advice, my visions gave me great clarity on a variety of issues. I started to communicate this back to people in ways that resonated with them.

I love helping others to improve their lives. Sometimes clients are more intuitive than they know and I love guiding them to solutions to their issues. I give my best effort to make connections and give clarity to open people up to new possibilities.


I am a Libra. Which is centered around balance and I have unknowingly embodied that duality daily. I have a strong sense of justice and have always been a peacemaker and diplomat amongst family and friends. My motivation is to expand this value to others, mending relationships, and mindsets across the globe as I had done for those in my personal life.


One of my most memorable first readings is when I had felt a vibration of good news for a clients' love life. When I told him that they will be congratulated for a big change in their romantic life, he revealed that he was about to propose and was anxious until I had told him that. He later got in contact with me to reveal that the person said Yes! It was a very wholesome moment.


To complement my gifts I have studied advanced literature on numerology, astrology, and psychology to add a degree of science to this art. I feel that this would help to provide a more direct and satisfying service to clients to get to the bottom of what they need to know without any fluff.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

This work is much more than an exact science. On occasion, my clients' messages might be clearer to them than they are to me (in this instance I become an effective guide to make this blurry image become clear). Clients should enter with an open mind and at times should be patient and think things through to get the most value from the reading.

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